
Click on your name below to go to your individual billing summary.


Once you start incurring charges you will be emailed a monthly statement - your 'individual billing summary' - detailing the balance owed.

This is based on matches you have played in or been selected for as shown in the spreadsheets below.

Please note that any credit you had at the end of last season has been carried forward into the 'prior year closing balance' figure on the statement. (No one owed the club money at the end of last year).

Payments are best made by BACS as outlined in the monthly email but can be made at the till - instructions for which are in the ring binder behind the till

You can access the spreadsheets showing which matches you are being charged for by clicking on the buttons below. 

All sheets now require the usual log in - even if  they open in 'view' mode. 

The new 'Club Comps' sheet will get updated once the draw for 'play by' matches have been made and for 'play on' matches once the initial round has been played.

You can access your individual billing summary from the links below.

These summary statements get updated immediately with any new matches, and for receipts tend to be updated once per week - on a Sunday. Therefore they may be different to the summary emailed to you at the beginning of each month.